About Us

Photonitras is a spin-off company from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, led by an experienced group, dedicated to water and wastewater advanced treatments. Our motivation relies in the village of one of our founders, which was affected by the presence of nitrates and arsenic in its main aquifer. Given that this issue is present worldwide, we decided to bring our knowledge and experience out of the laboratory, to give a necessary solution to rural areas.  

In this sense, we are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, through goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation.   

Our Team


Our team stems from the Chemical Engineering Department at UAM, with a multidisciplinary view counting with experts in Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Industrial Technologies, which confers us the know-how to carry out our mission of bringing safe drinking water to your home.  


José A. Casas

José A. Casas

Alicia García Costa 

Alicia García Costa